Linux and Tech Commentary

The Death of Star Wars in my World

With the release of The Acolyte, my hate flows through me. How can supposedly educated folk, with real degrees, be this lacking in common sense?
You are in the entertainment industry. You have control of the biggest sci fi franchise in history. The first thing you do is shit on the Expanded Universe, throwing out some amazing storytelling and world building. Then you write three movies that shit on everything Anakin did to redeem himself, with a useless, bland, Mary Sue as a main character. You kill Han Solo. You totally piss off the majority of the fan base because they didn’t want any of that.

Your job is to entertain the fan base, and then they pay you. Shocker. No one wants to pay for your stupid excercise in woke messaging from a director that the fanbase loathes and an “actress” if that honors her correct, stupidass pronouns, that hates white men.

What did the one actor say? “I always wanted to be a jedi but they didn’t look like me.” Please. You are right, soyboy, Sam Jackson looks nothing like you and Mace Windu was probably the coolest jedi to ever live!

You have one job. Make content the fans want. Make it fun, exciting, scary, astounding. JUST like the New Hope Trilogy. Not this thinly veiled, woke, progressive drivel. Their is no real story. The characters are thin and really don’t appeal to anyone other than the woke DEI kool aid drinkers.

Look at the success of the Mandalorian arc. The fans want it, and they paid to watch it. (Kennedy keep your vile fingers out.) I think this series kept Disney Plus afloat.

Sixteen percent approval ratings, and that includes paid bombing of reviews. (Don’t say they don’t do it, you KNOW they do.) Just like the constant spam on social media trying to get people to watch Acolyte. Sixteen percent isn’t the majority of the fan base, Disney. Oh, and the director looks like a Lego Minifig you bought from Temu. Just sayin…

Kennedy and her crowd have to go. Disney is trash, everything they touch goes to shit now. I’ve replaced my Star Wars addiction with Nick Cole and Jason Anspach’s excellent Galaxy’s Edge novels. I think there are 23 now? It’s fun, is far more military sci-fi then Star Wars ever was, nad its available on Kindle Unlimited!

That’s all I have for now. Fuck. Lesbian Space Witches using the force to impregnate each other. Christ.

— Droid

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